Professional Spotlight: Dee Bakes
I met Deanna when we were both vendors at the Debonne Vineyard Bridal Show. It’s so hard on show days to really stop and get to know the other vendors you don’t know yet, so all I was able to do was stop by her booth, grab a card and a delicious cookie. I am so glad i did!! The cookie was not only adorable but delicious. That is the story of how I found Dee Bakes.
What is it that you do?
I am a custom in-home bakery. I bake from scratch and can accommodate most dietary restrictions.
Tell my readers a little about yourself and your history as a baker.
I am a self taught baker and cook. I took a couple Wilton classes 20 years ago, and from then have just experimented and researched methods and techniques to learn and grow. I am not intimidated by out of the ordinary requests, or large orders.
Why did you choose to do what you do within the wedding industry?
I really enjoy providing beautiful and delicious cakes, and/or cookies, etc. for one of the biggest events in life.
What trends in the wedding industry are you loving right now?
I love the simple elegance of the more rustic look in today’s cakes.
What is your favorite thing about your job?
Learning new skills and creating new and different cakes & cookies that you can’t find on the shelf at a bakery.
What would be the most common mistake couples make when it comes to your business?
(i.e. booking late,etc.)
The biggest issue I run in to is people waiting to book a date for their cake. I accommodate as best I can, but being an in-home baker, I can’t take on more than I can handle at the last minute.
What is your ideal day at work?
I love a nice relaxed pace to baking and decorating. But, I’m also very good under pressure and get things done.
What is your ideal day off?
My ideal day off is being able to pick up and go do something spur of the moment, and have a leisurely day off.
Describe yourself in 3 words.
Happy, positive, creative
Who inspires you and why?
I am inspired by people who know who they are and are confident in pushing through to make a name for themselves.
What are three things you cannot live without? (Not including humans and pets)
Cell phone, coffee and a nice stiff drink! 🙂
What are you reading, listening to or binge watching right now?
Chris Stapleton is on repeat most all the time. I am just loving all of his music at the moment!
What is your favorite thing to do, or place to go, in the Northeast Ohio area?
I love exploring new food related stores and bakery supply shops, I’m always looking for new ideas or places to find things that I need for baking.
What would you tell your 16 year old self if you could?
Don’t be afraid of change or doing something that is new or different from the norm.
What is your favorite dessert?
What is your favorite drink (alcoholic or non)?
Thank you so much to Deanna for taking the time to answer some questions. Also for all of her hard work that she does for me and for my clients.
If you would like to reach out to Deanna to talk about her delicious cookies, cakes and desserts please do so at:
Phone: 440.487.4773
Email: deebakes4u@gmail.com
Instagram: @deebakes4u
Facebook: @deebakes4u